There is something that we marketers call “product adaptation”. It means simply that you are going to take one product and you are going to “slightly” modify it in order to satisfy needs out of your original target. For ex. The Coca-Cola ® Company decided to modify its original formula and created Coca-Cola light ® to satisfy costumers that don’t want go fat after drinking…
I thought of this when I first had to write in a French Keyboard. As a matter of fact, many countries have “modify” the computer keyboard to strategically make the writing faster (please notice that I say “modify” because I completely ignore who created the original one!). In this way, the letters that are more used are more reachable (for example letter a in the American keyboard is the first one of the center row).
So, could you please tell me why would the French keyboard have one whole key for ù?
After my friend Eric Bourhis (he is the one that told me actually), there is just one word in French that uses this letter: où (where). And they waste one of the greatest middle spots for this? This was so incredible to me that I have to look for it in the internet and apparently is tru:
« ù : uniquement pour le mot où » (ù : only for où)
Apparently it’s been like this since looong ago !
Doing my research I also find out that someone is renting one
I will be interested in knowing who will rent it and for what =).