vendredi 27 janvier 2012


Logistics is part of strategic marketing. Even when you can create a separate discipline out of it (because of its big content), with a bad administration of timing vrs services every marketing strategy will be a failure. So, here is a good example for a "NOT TO DO”:

The post office of my town is dealing with big affluence of clients... (Actually not really! I know because I have been there several times… The thing is that there are always a certain amount of clients and just one or two windows open)... Anyway, they have a sign in the door announcing how busy the service is, at what time of the day (so you can choose to come at a moment of low affluence). 

The problem is that according to the schedule,  you will never get to come and find a nice quite service, just if you come Monday or Tuesday morning (which means that if you work you will get to your office late).

But here is where logistics intervene. When you see the opening schedule, here below:

You will notice that the opening times are normal and enough to provide a good service. They also are open on Saturdays (half day) great for people that work. So this can just mean that they need more people to work here! You don’t just hang the busy schedule in the door as if you are proud of it moron! You try to fix the problem. 

Anyway:  - if there is people
                - it means there is a demand (in this case it means money) 

So don’t be cheap, you can pay for an extra person, if not, then it just mean you need to rice the price (or learn some management).

BTW: I have never come to this place without spending at least one hour!

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